A busy workday, an empty refrigerator and a tired body have the best of us indulging in the convenience and satisfaction that only a burger and fries can satisfy.
The desire to burn fat is always at the top of the list from people who come to me for diet coaching. People want to lose weight and look better without having to make drastic lifestyle changes or sacrifices.
As we get older and wiser we start to realize some of the habits and baggage we carry around from our youth no longer serves who we are today. We always have a choice to stay stuck in the past or to evolve and grow. We have a choice to have a growth mindset or a closed mindset.
With shorter days, plunging temperatures, stressful work deadlines buttery feasts and festive cocktails, December is hardly the ideal month to start losing weight. But if you are determined to see weight loss results and get a jump start on New Year's, you still can!