Why You Should Worry Less About Your Waist Size and More About Your Muscle Size

If you are an adult over fifty you need to stop obsessing about your appearance and get over your dependence on the scale.

Restrictive diet is not good because when you diet you also lose muscle- and muscle is the key to better health as you age.

And how do you maintain muscle and prevent its loss when you are on a diet or just getting up there?

Strength training!       

We all need to do strength training for longevity, robust health and optimal body composition.

Whether you are at gym on the machines, using dumbbells at home or elastic exercise bands this is something that everybody over 50 can benefit from.

80% of older Americans have too little muscle and way too much fat- but you probably already knew that!

This also leads to obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and the list goes on and on!

Fortunately, this is reversible and research shows that using resistance training exercise is effective for increasing muscle mass at any age.

 Dr.Wayne Wescott from the South Shore YMCA was the first to prove muscle can be built with his study done back in the 80s. In a experiment he conducted with the residents of the Hebrew nursing home in Boston

His subjects were all in their 80’s and 90’s and they used a simple leg extension machine and over course of 12 weeks. At the end, all showed an average 40% increase in muscle mass and strength.

And this was just done by exercising twice a week, 30 -40 minutes at a time!

I think this was a groundbreaking study and since then hundreds of studies have given us similar results.

So here are the top benefits of strength training that really have nothing to with how you look (although if you do it regularly you will look and feel a whole lot better!)

  • It recharges your metabolism because you use energy during the workout session and then for the recovery period afterwards

  • Reduces body fat – the more muscle you have the higher amount of calories you need to maintain it. And your body uses fat as a fuel source- instead of storing it in the gut or other areas.

  • It will improve blood pressure after two to three months of consistent lifting

  • Improves blood lipid profiles by increasing the HDL good cholesterol 8-21% and decreasing the LDL by 11 to 18%

  • It can help you recover faster from a coronary event by increasing physical performance and self-efficacy

  • Resisting Diabetes- people who have moderate to high levels of muscle mass and a normal body weight have a much lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is significant increase in insulin sensitivity and glycemic control after several weeks.

  • Osteoporosis can be better managed.  Strength training increases bone density in both men and women.

  • Decreases physical discomfort of Arthritis and fibromyalgia and is especially helpful with chronic lower back issues.

  • Enhances your mental health. Numerous studies have been done on how resistance training can help with depression, self-esteem, mental fatigue, tension, moods and cognitive function in older adults.

  • Revitalizes your muscle cells and helps create reverse the ageing process in mitochondria – which are the energy engines of the cells.

  • Reverses physical fragility and will keep you off a cane or wheelchair later in life.

So what are you waiting for?

Yes we all have reasons and excuses for avoiding this type of exercise- but you are older and wiser now. This is not a fluff hobby that is done by gym rats or bodybuilders-it’s a tool for a better quality of life and a longer life span where you are fully functional.

Who doesn’t want that?

You can start with two thirty minute sessions each week. It’s not a lot to ask and you might actually like it. It will make you feel better about yourself.